Major General John K. Singlaub
Major General John K. Singlaub

Major General John Singlaub died at the age of 100 on Saturday January, 29, 2022 surrounded by his wife of thirty years, Joan, and his family at his home in Franklin, Tennessee.
John Singlaub was born in Southern California, a graduate of Van Nuys High School and UCLA. He had an illustrious career in the US Army and beyond. He served in World War II with the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) as a member of a Jedburgh team inserted into southern France. He then went to China to join OSS Detachment 404 to train and lead Chinese guerrillas against the Japanese. Just before the Japanese surrender, he led a parachute rescue mission behind enemy lines to Hainan Island which resulted in the surrender of an enemy Prisoner of War camp and the subsequent release of 400 Allied prisoners. He commanded troops in Korea and was CHIEF SOG for two years in Vietnam, running the super secret MACVSOG in enemy territory, and remained active for decades more.
MG Singlaub’s assignments include commanding officer, 1st Battle Group, 16th Infantry, 8th Infantry Division, Europe; chief, Training Division and later deputy assistant chief of staff, G-3, Headquarters, 7th Army, Europe; assistant chief, Force Development Plans Division, Plans and Operations Directorate, Washington, D.C.; chief of the Special Operations Group, U.S. Military Assistance Command, Vietnam; assistant division commander, 8th Infantry Division, Europe; chief of staff, Project MASSTER, Fort Hood, Texas; deputy chief of staff for personnel, U.S. Army, Washington, D.C.; deputy assistant secretary of defense, Washington D.C.; commanding general, U.S. Army Readiness Region IX, Denver, Colorado.; chief of staff, 8th U.S. Army, United Nations Command, U.S. Forces, Korea; commanding general, U.S. Army Forces Command, Fort McPherson, Georgia.
MG Singlaub’s military education includes the Infantry officer basic and advanced courses, the U.S. Army Command and General Staff College and the Air War College.
MG Singlaub’s decorations and awards include two Distinguished Service Medals, the Silver Star, two Legion of Merits, two Bronze Stars, the Soldier’s Medal, two Purple Hearts, two Bronze Star Medals, the Air Medal, the Combat Infantryman’s Badge, the Master Parachutist Badge and the Army Aviation Badge. In 2011, Singlaub received the prestigious SOCOM Bull Simons Award for his exceptional service in special operations.
In 2016 The United States Army Special Operations Command (USASOC) established the MG John K. Singlaub/Jedburgh Award award in his name, which is “presented annually to a deserving recipient who [like Jack] exemplifies the Special Operations Forces Next traits, the Army Special Operations Forces (ARSOF) promise, and demonstrates an unwavering commitment to bettering ARSOF.”
MG Singlaub retired after 35 years of active service June 1, 1978.
A legend in the U.S. special operations community, Major Gen. Singlaub will be remembered as one of America’s great warriors and an outstanding leader of men.
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