MG John “Jack” Singlaub Interred at Arlington National Cemetery

By How Miller, Sentinel Editor
Photos by Ken Bowra
MG (R) Singlaub, SFA Chapter 78’s former oldest member, was finally laid to rest, appropriately, at Arlington National Cemetery, on 19 August, 2022. SFA President Kevin Harry attended the ceremony on behalf of Chapter 78.
From his time on a Jedberg team with the OSS in WWII (he was, in fact, the last living Jedburgh), through being SF’s CHIEFSOG during the Vietnam War, Jack’s life was filled with clandestine activities, right up through his 100th birthday. He was truly an American Hero.
The New York Times’ Richard Goldstein wrote in the January 31, 2022 edition, “General Singlaub trained resistance fighters in German-occupied France and rescued Allied prisoners of war held by the Japanese during World War II. He conducted intelligence operations during the Chinese Civil War and in the Korean War while assigned to the C.I.A., and he commanded secret Army forays into North Vietnam and neutral Laos and Cambodia during the 1960s to ambush Communist troops.”
“A sturdy 5-foot-7 with an enduring military brush haircut, General Singlaub seemed fit for combat long after his last war. He was “the kind of guy you’d like to have on your side in a barroom brawl,” Pat Murphy, an acquaintance and the publisher of The Arizona Republic at the time, told The New York Times in 1986.”
We are all better off for Jack having lived among us. He will be missed by many.
For Richard Goldstein’s New York Times article visit
Read about MG Singlaub in our tribute to him in the March, 2022 Sentinel.

MG Singlaub's graveside ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery.

The U.S. Army Caisson Platoon, a specialty unit of the “The Old Guard” (3rd United States Infantry Regiment), provides. the caisson and riderless horse for funerals at Arlington National Cemetery. This is the caisson at MG Singlaub’s ceremony, and the riderless horse before heading to the gravesite.

The riderless horse, with reverse boots, follows the caisson when they march from the chapel to the gravesite. This horse’s name is Sergeant York.
I’m so glad that Chapter 78 came through again by capturing the photos and telling the story of Jack Singlaub’s funeral. Thank you so much!
Thanks for the comment Bonnie! We so appreciated the photos from Ken Bowra and it was such an honor to have SFA President Kevin Harry attending on our behalf.
So honored to have met him and visited him few times his last 3 years. A true American Patriot and Warrior! RIP Sir????
Thank you for fighting for Korea. I respect and thank you.