A Combat First:
Army SF Soldiers in Korea, 1953-1955 Part 2
32 FEC stopped sending American or British soldiers on deep airborne insertions after the failure of Operations SPITIFRE and VIRGINIA ONE. After the deaths of 1LT Castro and CPT Payne, the number of raids on the mainland had dropped off precipitously as the signing of the Armistice approached. ORO Study, 52-53, 62-64 and 74-76.
33 Eugene G. Piasecki, “TLO: Line-Crosses, Special Forces, and the ‘Forgotten War,’” Veritas: the Journal of Army Special Operations History, Vol 8, No. 2, 2012, 38-48.
34 Earl L. Thieme, 8007th Army Unit, interview by Dr. Richard Kiper, 11 August 2003, USASOC History Support Center, Fort Bragg, NC.
35 Earl L. Thieme, 8007th Army Unit, interview by Dr. Charles H. Briscoe, 21 November 2005, USASOC History Support Center, Fort Bragg, NC.
36 Sam C. Sarkesian, 8007/8112th AU, interview by Dr. Richard Kiper, 8 October 2003, USASOC History Support Center, Fort Bragg, NC. In Sarkesian’s recollection there was no Team #2. 8007th AU worked for the FEC G-2.
37 Sarkesian interview, 8 October 2003.
38 Mooradian interview, 21 November 2005.
39 Sarkesian interview, 8 October 2003.
40 Thieme interview, 11 August 2003.
41 Thieme interview, 11 August 2003.
42 Thieme interview, 21 November 2005.
43 Norton interview, 9 April 2004.
44 Ripley interview, 31 January 2013.
45 Norton interview, 9 April 2004.
46 Norton interview, 9 April 2004.
47 Maurice H. Price, 8240th AU, interview by Dr. Kenneth Finlayson, 12 December 2012, USASOC History Support Center, Fort Bragg, NC.
48 Price interview, 12 December 2012.
49 Price interview, 12 December 2012.
50 Price interview, 12 December 2012.
51 Norton interview, 9 April 2004.
52 Price interview, 12 December 2012.
53 Price interview, 12 December 2012.
54 Norton interview, 9 April 2004.
55 Department of the Army, FM 31-21, Organization and Conduct of Guerrilla Warfare, October 1951, copy in USASOC History Support Center, Fort Bragg, NC. The principal author of FM-31-21 was LTC Russell W. Volckmann who led the Philippine guerrillas on northern Luzon in World War II. Volckmann visited with COL John H. McGee in Korea in late 1950 and incorporated McGee’s assessment of the guerrilla situation in Korea into the field manual.
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