LTC Frank J. Dallas
SFA 78 is the Frank J. Dallas chapter for a reason. LTC Dallas was one the early Special Forces soldiers and was an original member of the SF Decade Club, which was the predecessor of the SF Association. Read his biography to learn about the amazing soldier who represents the values of America and the Special Forces.

Chapter 78 is a subordinate chapter to the National Special Forces Association (SFA), a non-profit (501c-19) Veterans’ organization for current and retired Army Special Forces soldiers. The purpose for which the Association was formed was to unite, fraternally, all men who are now or ever have been assigned to the United States Army Special Forces, to perpetuate Special Forces traditions.
Other purposes for which the Association is formed are as follows:
- To commemorate fittingly the memory of Special Forces troops who have given or shall give their lives in defense of the Free World.
- To educate its members and the citizens of the United States in the proper development of Special Forces and to keep them abreast of new developments in the field of Special Forces as is consistent with Security regulations.
- To assist in keeping Special Forces units adequate and powerful for the defense of the United States and the Free World by supporting the establishment of Special Forces in an appropriate relationship with the rest of the Army.
- To encourage every member of the Association toward a closer personal relationship and a friendly spirit of cooperation.
- To forward and promote the general welfare and prosperity of the members and to improve by all lawful means their status and conditions.
- To be a source of inspiration and esprit de Corps for all Special Forces Units.

SFA Chapter 78 History
In May, 1998 Chapter 78 applied for status as a new chapter, with Ray Estrella acting as temporary president. As the South Coast Chapter LXXVIII (78), provisional status was received on June 23, 1998. Later that year, Chapter member Robert “Bob” Crebbs, acting as the Secretary, wrote and submitted the required paper work for the formation of our Southern California Chapter. In a letter to then SFA Executive Director Jimmy Dean, Bob requested that our chapter be designated the 77th. However because of the historical precedence of the 77th Group, SFA National denied the request and we remained Chapter 78. Following acceptance of the application and meeting all standards set fourth for new chapter formation, Bob Crebbs was elected as the first and founding Secretary of the Chapter. During the subsequent two years Bob prepared all necessary documents to comply as a chapter. After two years, on June 10, 2000 our status was upgraded from “provisional” to “regular” by the national office. On October 13, 2001 Chapter 78’s By-Laws were passed by a two-thirds vote of the membership.