In this issue:

From the Archive:
From the April 2018 Sentinel, SFA Chapter 78’s the late Mike Keele interviewed Ray Cyrus for the story of 7 February 1968 when he was assigned to go out on an emergency mission the SF camp called Lang Vei.

New on YouTube @sfachapter78!
New Playlist…”Chapter Meeting Presenters”
Click to hear Dr. Brandon Orr present “Performance Psychology for the Human Performance Program” at our Feb. chapter meeting! Subscribe to our channel and click notifications—don’t miss new videos of our excellent meeting speakers!
New Playlist…”Meet SFA Chapter 78″
Click to hear SFA Chapter 78 member CSM (ret.) Ramon Rodriquez, featured in this issue of the Sentinel, tells us his story. Stay tuned for more interviews to be posted on this new playlist.
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ON THE COVER: Special Forces candidates assigned to the U.S. Army JFK Special Warfare Center and School move through a swamp during the final phase of field training known as Robin Sage near Hoffman, North Carolina. (U.S. Army photo by K. Kassens)
From the Editor:
We turn inward to begin this issue. We salute a former Chapter 78 President, Ranger Hall of Famer, one of the most decorated soldiers in the Vietnam War, and a nominee for the Medal of Honor. Ramon Rodriguez retired after 23 years of service as a Command Sergeant Major. There is way too much to his story to cover in one issue of the Sentinel. We have a short article about his career in and after the U.S. Army. This is coupled with a video interview, which you will be able to see on our website. We are trying to preserve the memories of our members to add to their biographies.
Journalist Isaac Staats describes the Q-Course graduation ceremony for Class 335. He and our new Chapter 78 President, Aaron Brandenburg, attended and helped co-host with Chapter 1-18 a barbecue two days earlier at the Chapter 1-18 campus.
Member James Lockhart describes using a hidden talent to outsmart his Chinese-speaking Nung interpreter. He surprised himself by how a seemingly insignificant piece of knowledge turned out to be so useful.
Next, I review The Viking Battalion: Norwegian American Ski Troopers in World War II, a surprising book about the very special 99th Battalion, formed in WWII, whose history is intertwined with SF’s forerunners. They were called the Viking Battalion because they were purposely composed of Norwegian Americans and Norwegian nationals. They had every bit as dazzling a record of excellence as does SF… From fighting with the Rangers in the breakout from Normandy to eventually joining with the Americans from the Devil’s Brigade in the 474th Regiment. Of the three self-described editors, Erik Brun is the son of a “99er,” Olaf Minge was a “99er,” and Kyle Ward is a military historian.
Please take the opportunity to read an excerpt from the book, starting on page 8. It is from the 1945 writings of “99er” Howard “Bus” Bergen. Included is the 99th’s important action at the Battle of the Bulge and the battles leading up to it.
Our continuing VP James McLanahan presented to our outgoing President Greg Horton a framed thank you, expressing the chapter’s appreciation of his two years of hard work as Chapter 78 President.
Aaron Brandenberg has reminded us in “From the President” how important and beneficial it is for all members to properly register with the Special Forces Association’s national “Teamhouse” website. So, Debra Holm has put together directions to help you succeed at that. They are graphic, detailed, and hopefully easy to follow by all. If you are reading this on the internet, you should be able to succeed. If you run into snags, there is lots of help available.
You are also welcome to see Rick Carter’s pictures of the February Chapter 78 meeting.
How Miller
Sentinel Editor
- Awarded best Special Forces Association Monthly Newsletter at SFA National Convention June 2011 and 2014
- Awarded Golden Quill at SFA National Convention June 2015 and June 2016
- Best Newsletter Award for 2017 from Special Forces Association National Board of Directors at the International Convention in Fayetteville, NC
- Special Forces Association (SFA) Cross Arrow Award for Excellence, 2018, First Award Presented by SFA in this category
- The War Reporters Award, Presented by Alex Quade – (War Reporter and Film Producer) for Chapter 78 Sentinel’s Commitment documenting Special Forces History, July 2018
- The Golden Arrows for Excellence in Newsletters 2019 awarded by SFA National
- The Golden Arrows for Excellence in Newsletters 2020 awarded by SFA National
The Sentinel is published monthly by Special Forces Association Chapter 78, Southern California — art direction and design by Debra Holm, Dinwiddie Holm Graphics. The views, opinions and articles printed in this issue do not necessarily reflect the views of the United States Army or the United States Special Operations Command, the Special Forces Association, or Special Forces Association Chapter 78. Please address any comments to the editor at sfachapter78@gmail.com.
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