In this issue:

Photos from Aaron Brandenburg and Dennis DeRosia illustrate their experiences at the SFA Con 2024/Global Gathering of Green Berets cruise which was held on October 19-24 on the Carnival Paradise which departed from the Port of Tampa Bay.

PARACHUTING INTO LAOS From 400 Fts. Altitude, No Reserve ‘Chute—No Helmet
Sentinel reader Bob Ramsey, from Chapter 22, shared his account of a high-risk SOG mission in 1970. Facing the NVA’s increasing ability to intercept and hunt SOG teams, his four-man unit made a moonless night jump into Northeast Laos from 400 feet—without reserve chutes or helmets. They landed in the midst of enemy forces and had to attempt a swift escape.

IVS Strove to Better Laos While War Raged
Frequent Sentinel contributor Marc Yablonka describes the efforts of The International Voluntary Services (IVS), an offshoot of USAID, who aided Laotians from 1959 until the fall of Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia in 1975, relying solely on their construction, farming, and teaching expertise.

The Contractor Medic by Victor A. Hundahl
Sentinel editor How Miller reviews Victor Hundahl’s book The Contractor Medic, a compelling work that highlights some of the tense situations he faced. Victor, a member of SFA Chapter 23 and Sentinel reader, recounts his experiences as a contractor medic in Southeast Asia and beyond.

An Excerpt from The Contractor Medic by Victor A. Hundahl
Victor Hundahl shares an excerpt from his book The Contractor Medic which recounts his experiences as a contractor medic in Southeast Asia.

Chapter 78 member Greg Walker tells about the Special Operations Association Reunion (SOAR) which was held in October in Las Vegas. Included is the keynote speech by SOG Veteran MG (Ret.) Ken Bowra.

From the Archive:
Originally published in the February 2017 Sentinel, Gary Macnamara recounts his experience attending the 82nd Airborne Division’s Raider School in 1967. Modeled after the Army’s Ranger School, this intensive three-week leadership program focused on skills such as rappelling, survival, hand-to-hand combat, and patrolling, emphasizing combat readiness and leadership.

What’s new on
The Team House Jack Murphy talks about his new book “WE DEFY” it covers SPEC OPS during the Cold War
Featured Channel: MACV SOG ~ Interviews with warriors
Jason Collins is joined by Bud Gibson of the Reconnaissance Cast podcast to chat with Jack Murphy about his new book “We Defy: The Lost Chapters of Special Forces History,” which covers Cold War Special Operations. It is due for release on December 9th.
MACV SOG Jim Shorten AKA “The Wild Carrot” well worth a listen!
Featured Channel: MACV SOG ~ Interviews with warriors
Jason Collins interviews Jim Shorten, who he dubs the “Indiana Jones of the Spec Ops world.” Our own Mike Keele said of Jim, “Jim Shorten (Jones) is among the most unique Special Forces soldiers to walk the face of the Earth.” So sit back and relax because, as the title says, this interview is well worth a listen!

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Untold stories of MAC-V SOG. Vietnam. The Secret War.
Episode 051: RT Idaho’s John Trantanella on 2nd SOG Combat HALO Jump into Laos
John Stryker Meyer, call sign—Tilt, interviews RT Idaho’s John Trantanella who recounts his participation in the second SOG Combat HALO jump on May 7, 1971.
Listen on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or other major podcast providers. Video episodes are available on our YouTube channel SOGCast playlist.
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print edition (pdf)
ON THE COVER: The cruise ship Carnival Paradise midship atrium with the regimental flag and group flashes. The site of SFACON 2024, the Carnival Paradise departed from Port Tampa Bay just days following the port resuming operations after Hurricane Milton. (Photo by Aaron Brandenburg)
From the Editor:
We begin this Sentinel with a heartfelt description of the meaning of the Global Gathering of Green Beret: SFACON 2024 cruise by Chapter 78 President Aaron Brandenburg. Our cover photo shows the central atrium of the Carnival Paradise cruise ship. This is followed by pictures from Aaron and Dennis DeRosia, a fellow chapter member, of happy events during the Bahamas Cruise from Tampa. A good time was had by all.
Sentinel reader Bob Ramsey, from Chapter 22, contributed “Parachuting Into Laos From 400 Ft. Altitude No Reserve ‘Chute—No Helmet’,” his story about a secret high-risk SOG mission into Northeast Laos in 1970, when the NVA were getting so proficient at denying entry to SOG teams, or hunting them down quickly after insertion, that the four-man team risked a moonless night jump from 400 feet with no reserve chutes or helmets. Of course, they landed right in the middle of the enemy and needed to try to make a quick escape.
Meanwhile, on the ground in different parts of Laos, the International Voluntary Services, an offshoot of USAID, continued to help the Laotians, armed only with a wide range of construction, farming, and teaching experience. This occurred from 1959 until the fall of Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia in 1975. In “IVS Strove to Better Laos While War Raged,” frequent Sentinel contributor Marc Yablonka tells us about their efforts.
Sentinel reader Victor Hundahl wrote a book entitled The Contract Medic about his years as a contractor medic in Southeast Asia and other places. I reviewed his interesting book, and Victor shares an excerpt from the book, which includes some of the tense situations he found himself in.
Finally, we turn it over to another frequent Sentinel contributor, Greg Walker, who tells us about the Special Operators Association Reunion (SOAR) in Las Vegas. Included in this recap is the keynote speech by SOG veteran MG (Ret.) Ken Bowra.
Please enjoy and keep sending us your stories of your SF experiences.
How Miller
Sentinel Editor
- Awarded best Special Forces Association Monthly Newsletter at SFA National Convention June 2011 and 2014
- Awarded Golden Quill at SFA National Convention June 2015 and June 2016
- Best Newsletter Award for 2017 from Special Forces Association National Board of Directors at the International Convention in Fayetteville, NC
- Special Forces Association (SFA) Cross Arrow Award for Excellence, 2018, First Award Presented by SFA in this category
- The War Reporters Award, Presented by Alex Quade – (War Reporter and Film Producer) for Chapter 78 Sentinel’s Commitment documenting Special Forces History, July 2018
- The Golden Arrows for Excellence in Newsletters 2019 awarded by SFA National
- The Golden Arrows for Excellence in Newsletters 2020 awarded by SFA National
The Sentinel is published monthly by Special Forces Association Chapter 78, Southern California — art direction and design by Debra Holm, Dinwiddie Holm Graphics. The views, opinions and articles printed in this issue do not necessarily reflect the views of the United States Army or the United States Special Operations Command, the Special Forces Association, or Special Forces Association Chapter 78. Please address any comments to the editor at sfachapter78@gmail.com.
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