In this issue:

From the Archive:
Originally printed in March 2019
Book Review: BAIT: The Battle of Kham Duc Special Forces Camp By James D. McLeroy and Gregory W. Sanders
From the Archive:
Book Review — BAIT: The Battle of Kham Duc Special Forces Camp by James D. McLeroy and Gregory W. Sanders
From the March 2019 Sentinel, Kenn Miller reviews BAIT: The Battle of Kham Duc Special Forces Camp, an incredibly detailed story of the Battle of Kham Duc. James McLeroy’s story “Secret Weapon” also appears in this issue of the Sentinel.
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print edition (pdf)
ON THE COVER: On 30 March 1967, SSG Alvin J. Rouly taught a Vietnamese Civilian Irregular Defense Group (CIDG) trainee how to use a M79 grenade launcher. Camp Trai Trung Sup, Republic of Vietnam, was the 3rd Corps’ Basic Training Center for CIDGs. The camp was commanded by the Vietnamese Special Forces (LLDB) and advised by Detachment “A”, 5th US Special Forces. (U.S. Army photo, National Archive ID #100310274)

Pre-Register NOW
for the 2024 SFA (Global Gathering of Green Berets) Cruise
(Update as of 06/20/2023):
Over 476 cabin registrations (950+ passengers) in just over five weeks — We need to reach 600 cabins to sign the contract for the entire ship. Some members have purchased a second cabin for a Gold Star Family, Medal of Honor recipient, or currently serving AD/NG Soldier and their spouse. You need to pre-register now!
This cruise is meant for the entire SFA family! You can’t find a more affordable vacation. We will have activities for spouses and kids — there will be something for everyone and never a dull moment.
We still need 124 additional registrations by June 24th to ensure we can sign a contract for the entire ship. If you (and your teammates/family) are interested in this unique Special Forces gathering, please pre-register soon at:
From the Editor:
We start with an amazing and engaging story by James D. McLeroy. Sending in a ‘Letter to the Editor”, he shared an article he wrote for Soldier of Fortune Magazine in the 1980s. As the XO of A104 in 1967, with his CIDG patrol in a remote part of his AO, he found himself in deep s**t. Their luck was running out. In desperation, he calls for his “Secret Weapon.” Against all odds, he is alive today due to his “Secret Weapon”.
Two more submissions from Sentinel reader Denis Chericone in his captivating style:
“The Meal” compellingly tells about being under siege for three weeks at Lang Vei. The camp hadn’t been hit yet, but food was dwindling to nothing. Fate was to intervene for the better, but he draws you in with his relatable details.
Then in “Descent”, his next assignment is out of the highlands on the Cambodian border, and almost as soon as he gets there, he heads out to help out at the site of a deadly friendly fire event. After two heavy days of treating wounds and stuffing body bags, he finally gets to tell his equally drained senior medic where he just came from.
Mark Yablonka enlightens us with another story about his travels as a journalist. This time, he travels from Thailand to war torn Cambodia in 1996. His story runs the gamut from the killing fields of Pol Pot’s Khmer Rouge, the slavery of POW’s building the Burma Railroad, the dangers still in Phnom Penh, and running into notables such as Tim Page and Peter Arnet.
We will miss Mike Keele, who passed away in early April. Debra Holm has written a touching tribute to Mike, utilizing material from interviews, articles written by and about Mike, and listening to Gregory Keele’s podcast about his father (search for Virtual Startup Academy on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Podchaser, or Google Podcasts to listen). It includes heartfelt note from John Stryker Meyer, who originally brought Mike to a meeting of Chapter 78 after meeting him at a book signing. Mike became an honorary member of Chapter 78 due to his valiantly crewing helicopters for the 1st Cav, who were supporting SOG at the time. Mike’s SOG stories/heroism stem from SOG missions in Laos and the A Shau Valley. He was also a member of Special Operations Association, a cop, and much more. He wrote many articles for the Sentinel and was always helping out however he could.
We have a brief report about Chapter 29’s Special Operators Ball, and their tribute to Medal of Honor recipient, Roger Donlan.
We finish with pictures from our April chapter meeting.
How Miller
Sentinel Editor
- Awarded best Special Forces Association Monthly Newsletter at SFA National Convention June 2011 and 2014
- Awarded Golden Quill at SFA National Convention June 2015 and June 2016
- Best Newsletter Award for 2017 from Special Forces Association National Board of Directors at the International Convention in Fayetteville, NC
- Special Forces Association (SFA) Cross Arrow Award for Excellence, 2018, First Award Presented by SFA in this category
- The War Reporters Award, Presented by Alex Quade – (War Reporter and Film Producer) for Chapter 78 Sentinel’s Commitment documenting Special Forces History, July 2018
- The Golden Arrows for Excellence in Newsletters 2019 awarded by SFA National
- The Golden Arrows for Excellence in Newsletters 2020 awarded by SFA National
The Sentinel is published monthly by Special Forces Association Chapter 78, Southern California — art direction and design by Debra Holm, Dinwiddie Holm Graphics. The views, opinions and articles printed in this issue do not necessarily reflect the views of the United States Army or the United States Special Operations Command, the Special Forces Association, or Special Forces Association Chapter 78. Please address any comments to the editor at
Are you guys, Chapter 78, in LA or San Diego?
Chapter 78 is generally located in LA county and Orange County. We have members from all over the Southern California area. There are two other SFA chapters nearby, Chapter 75 in San Diego county and Chapter 12 in the Inland Empire.
[…] Sentinel. The June 2023 issue is now available online. Some great articles about Special Forces in Indochina. […]