ON THE COVER: Flames erupt as Army combat engineers blast through a concrete wall during demolition training at Fort Hood. The Pentagon released new rules for how close troops should be to blasts from explosions and their own weapons and announced regular assessments of troops’ cognitive abilities both early in their careers and later to measure the effects of blast exposures. Task & Purpose, AUG 12, 2024, https://taskandpurpose.com/news/pentagon-releases-rules-on-safe-distances-for-blasts/ (Photo by Maj. Carson Petry)

In this issue:

Doctors in the Vietnam War: The Ultimate Training Ground

“In Doctors in Vietnam,” Marc Yablonka relates experiences of doctors who served in Vietnam and what they did with that experience “Back in the World.”

A flawed system: How Army Special Forces mental health care is failing elite soldiers

SFA Chapter 78 member, author, and investigative journalist Greg Walker is interviewed by Mary Shinn of the Colorado Springs Gazette. Greg relates to her his view that a flawed mental health system contributes to hideous results, such in the case of Green Beret Matt Livelsberger who killed himself just before his bomb went off in Las Vegas in front of the Trump Hotel.

Also included is a link to an interview on YouTube channel Truth Social by Matt Tardio, himself a former Green Beret, with Matthew Livelsberger’s widow. He respectfully guides Jennifer through the interview in which she speaks out to refute misinformation being broadcast online and in the media.

Remember only my name”

Greg Walker discusses the case of Staff Sgt. Michael Mantenuto, who took his own life in April of 2017. He compare’s this case with that of MSG Matthew Livelsberger. A link is provided at its conclusion to learn more about these two soldiers and more like them in “Losing the Last Great Battle,” also by Greg Walker.

You have the opportunity the change the world.”—MSG Leroy Petry, MOH

Medal of Honor recipient Leroy Petry encourages his fellow Special Ops members to seek help for combat-related problems. He lists contact info for several excellent and willing resources.

Repetitive Blast Exposure and Mental Health Challenges for Military Veterans

Former Green Beret Bruce Parkman brings news of advances being made in categorizing and measuring the cumulative effects of Repeated Blast Exposure, especially on the brain. Usually referred to as blast overpressure, this can be experienced during various training activities, without much attention being paid to it. He shows some of the physical effects and some of the ways we attempt to mitigate the damage.


Earl Plumlee Medal of Honor (Entire Speech)
Playlist: GWOT, Army Special Forces

Medal of Honor Recipient Master Sergeant (Retired) Earl Plumlee shares his incredible story at the Special Forces Association Chapter 78 MOH Luncheon in Orange County California. Chapter 78 was grateful to host and honor a veteran like Master Sergeant Plumlee who has been an asset to the veteran community his entire career and he continues to steward the profession inspiring future generations.

Training for Victory by Frank Sobchak
Featured Playlist: Chapter Meeting Presenters

Frank Sobchak, our guest speaker at our November chapter meeting, presents key findings from five years of research, which culminated in his PhD dissertation and his book Training for Victory. He examines five case studies—El Salvador, Colombia, the Philippines, Iraq, and Afghanistan—to identify what made certain security force assistance missions successful.

SOGCast 032: Cliff Newman: Survived First SOG HALO Combat Jump into Laos in the Rain
Featured Channel: Jocko Podcast — SOGCast
Featured Playlist: SOGCast

John Stryker Meyer, call sign—Tilt, interviews Cliff Newman, the first man out on the very first HALO combat jump.

SOGCast 033: A Finger Shot Off with Dale Hanson — Part 1
Featured Channel: Jocko Podcast — SOGCast
Featured Playlist: SOGCast

John Stryker Meyer, call sign—Tilt, interviews Dale Hanson, author of Born Twice: Memoir of a Special Forces SOG Warrior.

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  • Awarded best Special Forces Association Monthly Newsletter at SFA National Convention June 2011 and 2014
  • Awarded Golden Quill at SFA National Convention June 2015 and June 2016
  • Best Newsletter Award for 2017 from Special Forces Association National Board of Directors at the International Convention in Fayetteville, NC
  • Special Forces Association (SFA) Cross Arrow Award for Excellence, 2018, First Award Presented by SFA in this category
  • The War Reporters Award, Presented by Alex Quade – (War Reporter and Film Producer) for Chapter 78 Sentinel’s Commitment documenting Special Forces History, July 2018
  • The Golden Arrows for Excellence in Newsletters 2019 awarded by SFA National
  • The Golden Arrows for Excellence in Newsletters 2020 awarded by SFA National
Funding for the SFA Chapter 78 Sentinel is provided by the Veterans Affordable Housing Program, a program of the American Veterans Assistance Group 888-923-VETS (8387) VeteransAffordableHousing.org

The Sentinel is published monthly by Special Forces Association Chapter 78, Southern California — art direction and design by Debra Holm, Dinwiddie Holm Graphics. The views, opinions and articles printed in this issue do not necessarily reflect the views of the United States Army or the United States Special Operations Command, the Special Forces Association, or Special Forces Association Chapter 78. Please address any comments to the editor at sfachapter78@gmail.com.