10 members of the USC ROTC Battalion on stage for awards. LTC Robert F. Huntly, Commanding Officer, to right.

University of Southern California - Trojan Battalion - Professor of Military Science LTC Robert F. Huntly, Commanding - Lonny Holmes, Cadet David Shipko, Terry Cagnolatti.

Terry Cagnolatti presenting Special Forces Certificate and Medal of Merit and a copy of 'Tilt' Striker Meyers book, "On the Ground" to USC Cadet David Shipko.

California State University Fullerton ROTC Battalion Professor of Military Science LTC Jonathan B. Nepute, Commanding - Lonny Holmes shaking hands with Cadet Jessica Villanueva, Brad Welker taking Special Forces Medal of Merit for presentation.

Lonny Holmes, Brad Welker, CSU Fullerton Cadet Jessica Villanueva.

University of California at Los Angeles ROTC Battalion Professor of Military Science LTC David Kramer, Commanding - Cadet David Zhang, Lonny Holmes presenting certificate.

Claremont McKenna College LTC Anneleise M. Steel, Commanding & California State University San Bernardino LTC Hank Schleuning, Commanding - Brendon McManus of CSUSB, Brad Welker, Vladimir Restivo of Claremont

Claremont McKenna College LTC Anneleise M. Steel, Commanding & California State University San Bernardino LTC Hank Schleuning, Commanding - Brendon McManus of CSUSB, Brad Welker, Vladimir Restivo of Claremont